
Since graduating with a degree in law followed by a one-year acting course, I've forged a career in creative arts which has encompassed acting, devising, storytelling, role-play, writing and directing.

I’ve self-produced award-winning work, as well as co-founding Pakiki Theatre CIC, and as an independent artist I've become trusted by leading organisations below.

I never stop working and love to hear from people or organisations about wonderful projects to get involved in, so just head over to my contact page if you’d like to get in touch.

Vickie Swinton

Trusted by

Beam Theatre Hertford Logo
Alchemist Logo
Discover Childrens Story Centre Logo
Murray Edwards College
Natural Theatre Company Logo
Freshwater Theatre Company Logo
Hertfordshire County Logo
Herts Book Festival
Lapland UK Logo
Laughlines Logo
Millfield Theatre Logo
Newham London Logo
Peel Role Play Logo
Southern Maltings Logo
The Killing Game Logo
Watford Palace Theatre Logo